The Halberd IFV (ex-Rebel Miniatures EDF APC) is nearly done with just a few touch ups needed before applying the dull coat. Here's a picture showing the front end with a squad of RAFM infantry in combat armor.
A quick recap on how I painted the model. I primed the model using Gesso. The paint scheme is a base of Tamiya Armor Yellow applied with a brush. Over that is a pattern of Vallejo Olive Grey. Again it's brushed on to the model. Tracks and running gear/lower hull were painted black, then lower hull and running gear were painted with the Armor Yellow. A Dark brown was applied over tracks and running gear to get that dirty/dusty effect.
Same pose for the figures shot from closer to the table surface. You get a better sense of the height of the vehicle compared to the based figures. I applied several coats of black wash to the model to highlight the panel lines and make some of the surface features 'pop'. Afterwards, I dry brushed the whole model using alight gray (one of the many from Vallejo paints).
In this side profile below you get a sense of how the black wash pops out the panel lines and the raised detail like the rear firing ports.Apparently I need to go back and touch up the tracks and road wheels - you can see flashes of primer along the third and sixth road wheel. 

The quarter aspect shot below shows the effect of the black wash on the recessed lines as well as the effect the light gray dry brushing has on highlighting the angles and corners - especially on the track skirts and body edges.Also visible are the red tips of the anti-armor missiles on the left side of the turret.
Right profile shot again shows off the effects of the black wash on the panel lines and the intake/exhaust port on the body.
From the looks of this one, I need to go back and touch up the end of the barrel. The mold line is visible.
Another quarter aspect showing off the right side of the IFV. I am generally pleased with the cumulative effect of the black wash, the dry brushing of the highlights and the dry brushing of the weathering. The net effect dulls down the finish on the olive gray and the armor yellow, provided a nice 'used' look to the model.
Part 2 - The Paladins....
The Paladin (ex-Khurusan Corsair battle suits) are ready for their dull coat. If the weather holds, I'll apply it today. Here are the four 'mechs lined up for inspection.
Same poses from a slightly different angle.
One of the mech's adjacent to the Halberd IFV seen above.
One of the ex-Khurusan Corsair suits posed next to a RAFM 15mm mid-tech infantryman.
This picture shows the camouflage pattern as well as the effects of both the black wash and dry brushing the highlights in light gray. The searchlight was painted using "school bus yellow" with a finishing was of sunflower yellow - both from the craft paint rack (Michael's or Hobby Lobby). I particularly like how the dry brush highlights emphasize the detail on the 'gun' as well as the armor.
For comparison, here is a picture showing the model before the detailing of the lights and vision port as well as the black wash and highlighting/weathering.

This image below shows two things - mostly that I need to go back and touch up the fine details around the searchlight and vision port! Hopefully, you get a sense of how the light gray dry brushing accents the model.
I suppose I should go back and paint in the muzzle of the rocket launcher.
Love the nice, huge battlearmor!