The first week of the second quarter sees the ACW naval project moving into the end game phase. All ships assembled and mostly painted. The single largest remaining task is rig the ship models, paint the rigging and touch up the paint post-rigging. As usual, here's the update on what was done since the last report, what is planned for the next week and what the challenges to overcome.
All this weeks models are from
Bay Area Yards. Most of these are still available for purchase. So if you like what you see - go get one!
What's almost done?
USS Miami is almost ready to join the fleet. The rigging is installed and just needs a coat of black paint. This is an easy objective for the week!
Late war armament with two 24# mounted aft in place of the 80# pivot. |
This angle shows off the rigging to better effect. |
CSS Teaser had another gun mounted aft and a little touch up paint. Ready to join the James River Squadron! |
What's in progress?
Most of the models are stuck in the rigging phase. There is a LOT to do here. The plan is to tackle it in blocks of work where each ship gets a wire added and then is left for the glue to set. It's tedious, but with good timing, 2-3 wires can be added to each model a day. Even so, this task will take at least the next two weeks to complete.
USS Lackawanna. Foremast is almost rigged. |
USS Susquehanna with masts mounted. |
Trying a different way of attaching the standing rigging to the bowsprit. It was easier to attach, but will wait for painting to see how it turns out. |
What's next?
Slowly working on the last few models in the queue. No progress on USS Kearsarge this week. Instead, the focus was on painting USS Minnesota. The horizontal white stripe on the hull is done. Next step is likely painting and mounting the spar deck guns and then move on to rigging.
Needs a little touch up on the stripe. This thing is going to eat a LOT of wire for the rigging! |
What are the challenges?
Challenges are non-technical. The house suffered a small siding loss in the storm Saturday, so that needs to take priority over painting. Plus there are external meetings and games for which to prepare. Progress on all the above models is expected, though few with the exception of USS Miami are likely to be completed in the next week.