Progress continues with the ACW naval project. The big news is that CSS Selma is finished. You may remember that
work started on the Selma a few weeks back. Assembly went quickly and then moved into the painting phase. Happy to say that painting is done. A varnish top coat would be good, but that will have to wait fo the weather to improve.
Here's the Bay Area Yards CSS Selma next to the Peter Pig Selma. While somewhat similar, there are marked differences between the two models - and not just gun placement, which is my fault. |
Overhead view of the two models. Length is similar, but the BAY model captures to deck overhang out the limit of the wheel house and has a longer superstructure. The Hog chains are not included in the Peter Pig Selma. You could model them yourself if desired. |
Another model nearing completion is the
Thoroughbred Models Sassacus double-ender. This is a salvage job of a kit sacrificed for parts. Sporting a late war paint scheme of gray, the model is ready for the blockade. About the only steps remaining are to clean up the masts and install the standing rigging. Oh...and the national colors!
Sassascus class with guns mounted. |
Another model that's been languishing in the painting queue -
USS Varuna.
The model has needed new masts installed. I've had the masts for over a
year, but - as with the other models - have not made any progress
completing the model. But now the masts are installed. It should be a
quick job to add deck guns and the standing rigging. Then Varuna will be
ready to take to the table.
With the 'low hanging fruit' off the table, focus can now shift to completion of the CSS Patrick Henry and near sister CSS Thomas Jefferson. These nicely detailed models need a fair amount of painting to get all the details covered. Even so, the painting should wrap up in the next week, allowing for the guns to be mounted and the standing rigging to be added.
Progress on the Thomas Jefferson. Thought I'd try something different with the paddle wheels. It will help differentiate the model from the Patick Henry. |
And the Patrick Henry |
USS Pawnee is also moving up in the queue. The masts were mounted this week and the deck painting is done. On to mounting the guns and starting on the rigging.
Some ad hoc bracing was required to keep the mast in position while the glue set. |
Pawnee in the background. The Thoroughbred Models USS Kearsarge in the foreground. Pawnee was a wide beam shallow draft vessel designed for inshore work. |
USS Pawnee. This shot shows off the wide beam of the hull. |
Last up - after a bit of experimentation, I've hit on a new color combination that captures the look of inshore coastal and some riverine waters. It's achieved by blending two colors and applying over a base coat of tan/light brown. The Folk Art Forest Moss really nails that watery green I'd see on the sounds of North Carolina.
Post script - This is the 100th post for this blog! Woo Hoo!
Nice stuff! The 1/600 models look way better than my 1/1200 collection...but I already have a 1/1200 painted collection, so will resist the 1/600s. I really like your base color - I did my Mississippi fleet in mud water brown, but met enough comments to change back to the universal sea blue color. I do have a cloth mat almost that exact color for ACW naval encounters.
ReplyDeleteBasing colors are always a challenge. I have some that like you have a Mississippi mud effect for the base. I spent some time working on the sounds of North Carolina and got an eyeful of the variety of water colors you could see based on tides, wind, sun and clouds.
DeleteI like your approach of trying to match the base colors with the cloth color. of course, as soon as one of my mates brings his ships over, the sea blue bases clash with the tan or aqua table color. You do the best you can!